Flower essence healing and flower essences are part of a general category of medicine called vibrational medicine which address the electromagnetic fields of the nervous system rather than the biochemical matrix of the physiology. This is in line with most forms of holistic medicine – East, West and everywhere else...
Category: Flower Essences
A Marine Corps Captain’s Journey Into Wellness: Q&A With Stan Deland, CEO Of Siddha Remedies
Introduction: In this interview you'll discover how Stan Deland, a Marine Corps Captain, who did two combat tours in Iraq, got started on his wellness journey using non-traditional alternative medicine approaches like homeopathy and acupuncture. Learn why these non-Western approaches to healing were right for Stan and how they could...
10 Ways To Boost Your Mood Naturally
Coming down with a case of the blues? You’re not alone. It’s estimated that up to 10 percent of the population in the United States will show signs of a declining mood as the days get shorter and the temperatures drop. A specific type of mood disorder that’s directly related...