Flower essence healing and flower essences are part of a general category of medicine called vibrational medicine which address the electromagnetic fields of the nervous system rather than the biochemical matrix of the physiology. This is in line with most forms of holistic medicine – East, West and everywhere else...
Author: siddha-remedies
A Marine Corps Captain’s Journey Into Wellness: Q&A With Stan Deland, CEO Of Siddha Remedies
Introduction: In this interview you'll discover how Stan Deland, a Marine Corps Captain, who did two combat tours in Iraq, got started on his wellness journey using non-traditional alternative medicine approaches like homeopathy and acupuncture. Learn why these non-Western approaches to healing were right for Stan and how they could...
You Belong Among the Wildflowers
With the intense winter rains came the beautiful spring gift of “super blooms” throughout Southern California. I had the pleasure of exploring the Ray Miller Trail within Point Mugu State Park, on the edge of Malibu county just barely crossing into Ventura county. Along our mile or so hike through the canyon, sprinkled with...
Affirmations for Enhanced Wellness
The idea that our physical health is directly related to our emotional and spiritual health is a philosophy that predates as far back as ancient China. The existence of energy meridians, as applied in acupuncture and many if not all traditional Chinese medicine modalities, relies on the existence of qi, the subtle energy field...